What is Fertility?
About Fertility
In simple terms, fertility refers to the inherent ability to conceive or initiate conception. On the other hand, infertility denotes a condition within the reproductive system that hinders the conception of offspring. This issue impacts roughly 10-15% of couples across the United States. Infertility is typically diagnosed when couples have been actively trying to conceive for a duration of at least one year without achieving success.
Conception and pregnancy are intricate processes reliant on a multitude of factors, encompassing:
1.The man's production of viable sperm.
2.The woman's production of healthy eggs.
3.Unobstructed fallopian tubes, facilitating the sperm's journey to the egg.
4.The ability of the sperm to effectively fertilize the egg upon meeting.
5.Successful implantation of the fertilized egg (embryo) in the woman's uterus.
6.The presence of a suitably high-quality embryo.
Lastly, for a pregnancy to advance to full term, the embryo must maintain good health, and the woman's hormonal milieu must be conducive to its development. Any impairment in these aspects can lead to infertility.

What causes infertility?
The prevailing belief often suggests that infertility is predominantly linked to women. Contrary to this notion, the truth is that solely one-third of infertility cases can be attributed to women. From a statistical standpoint, another one-third of infertility issues are connected to men, while the remaining third stems from a interplay of fertility factors encompassing both partners or stemming from unidentified reasons. Roughly twenty percent of infertility cases can be attributed to these unknown causes.
What causes infertility in men?
The primary factors contributing to male infertility often encompass azoospermia (the absence of sperm production) and oligospermia (insufficient sperm production). In certain instances, sperm cells may exhibit deformities or perish before reaching the egg. In exceptional cases, genetic disorders like cystic fibrosis or chromosomal irregularities can underlie male infertility.
For men contending with diminished sperm count or motility issues, there exist scientifically validated supplements that can enhance sperm parameters. A notable advocate in this field is Sperm Check, affiliated with the American Pregnancy Association, offering an in-home semen analysis. Additional information can be accessed through their resources.
In the realm of female infertility, ovulation disorders stand out as the predominant cause. Roughly a quarter of infertility cases trace back to ovulation complications. Other contributing factors encompass obstructed fallopian tubes, frequently arising from pelvic inflammatory disease or endometriosis; congenital uterine anomalies; the presence of uterine fibroids, linked to recurring miscarriages; and the influence of age, as ovarian capacity for egg production tends to decline post the age of 35.
When should someone get tested for infertility?
The guidelines from the American Society of Reproductive Medicine suggest that women below the age of 35 should consider testing after experiencing 12 months of unsuccessful attempts at conception. For women aged 35 and above, the recommendation is to initiate testing after 6 months of unsuccessful attempts. Certain couples or individuals may discover a heightened sense of ease during the conception journey when they are assured of their reproductive health status.
How early can you get tested?
Couples have the option to ask their healthcare provider for an examination to assess the status of their health and ensure proper functionality. Alternatively, they can utilize readily available over-the-counter screening kits to assess essential fertility factors for both men and women the Best IVF Centre in Delhi.
How is infertility diagnosed?
As previously mentioned, couples are typically advised to consult with medical professionals if they are unable to achieve pregnancy after a year of unprotected intercourse. The physician will perform a thorough physical examination on both partners to assess their overall health and identify any potential physical issues that could be contributing to infertility. Additionally, the doctor will typically engage in discussions with both partners about their sexual practices to ascertain whether intercourse is occurring optimally for conception.
If the underlying cause remains unclear at this stage, more targeted tests might be recommended. For women, these examinations might encompass tracking body temperature and ovulation patterns, conducting X-rays of the fallopian tubes and uterus, and potentially even laparoscopic procedures. For men, the initial tests will primarily involve semen analysis.
How is infertility treated?
Roughly 85-90% of instances of infertility find resolution through traditional methods like medication-based interventions or surgical procedures aimed at restoring reproductive organ functionality. The remaining options for treating infertility involve advanced reproductive technologies, notably in vitro fertilization. Many individuals discover solace in connecting with the experiences of other couples facing infertility, finding comfort in shared stories. Websites such as APA and Shared Journey host pregnancy forums that provide a platform for reading and exchanging these narratives.
What is in vitro fertilization (IVF)?
In situations involving obstructed or missing fallopian tubes, as well as cases of low sperm count, in vitro fertilization (IVF) presents couples with the chance to achieve biological parenthood. During the IVF process, eggs are extracted from the ovaries through surgical means and combined with sperm in a laboratory dish. After approximately 40 hours, the eggs are assessed to determine whether they have undergone fertilization by the sperm and have initiated cell division. Subsequently, these fertilized eggs, also known as embryos, are carefully implanted into the woman's uterus, circumventing the need for the fallopian tubes. Since its inception in 1978, IVF has garnered substantial media coverage and currently constitutes less than five percent of all infertility treatment in Delhi, conducted in the United States.
Is in vitro fertilization expensive?
The United States witnesses an average IVF cycle cost of $12,400. Similar to other intricate medical procedures, IVF demands the expertise of well-trained specialists, advanced laboratories, and sophisticated equipment. Occasionally, multiple cycles might be necessary to achieve success. Despite the potential expenses associated with IVF and other assisted reproductive technologies, their contribution to U.S. healthcare costs remains minimal, comprising just 0.03% of the total.
Does in vitro fertilization work?
IVF was first brought to the United States in 1981. As per the Society of Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART), an organization that monitors ART success rates in Delhi, IVF presently constitutes over 99% of all ART procedures conducted, while GIFT, ZIFT, and combined procedures constitute the remaining percentage. In 2008, the average live birth rate for IVF stood at 34% across all cycles. This rate slightly surpasses the natural monthly pregnancy success rate of 20% for couples with normal reproductive health, who also manage to carry the pregnancy to full term.
Do insurance plans cover infertility treatment?
The coverage offered by insurance will vary depending on your location and the type of insurance plan you have. Presently, fifteen states enforce regulations that mandate insurers to either provide coverage or present options for covering a part of the expenses related to infertility diagnosis and treatment.
However, the extent of coverage under these laws differs significantly. For detailed insights into the specific laws applicable in these states, you can reach out to your state’s Insurance Commissioner’s office. To stay informed about ongoing developments in insurance legislation within your state, contacting your State Representative is advisable.
Regardless of whether your state has an infertility insurance law in place, you have the option to consult your employer’s Human Resources Department for precise details about the coverage afforded by your plan. An additional resource for assessing coverage is the "Infertility Insurance Advisor: An Insurance Counseling Program for Infertile Couples." This resource can be obtained from RESOLVE, an organization dedicated to advocating for infertility patients and providing information, for a nominal fee.
At Our Mother Divine Fertility Centre, we offer comprehensive information on fertility, along with valuable tips to enhance your chances of conceiving and improve fertility through simple adjustments to your lifestyle and approach. The guide is designed for easy comprehension and caters to anyone aiming to enhance their ability to conceive. It's available for free download and incorporates discount codes for essential products, including a complimentary serving of Night food Nighttime Ice Cream.
More Information on Infertility:++91 9311988500, www.motherdivinefertility.com