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Teat Tube Baby

Test Tube Baby

There is little doubt that the term “test-tube baby” has changed the lives of millions of infertile couples. Thanks to recent advancements and discoveries, the dream of becoming a parent is now coming true. The results are improving and becoming more positive on a global scale.

A child created in a lab and conceived outside of a woman’s body is known as a “test-tube baby,” and it is one of the medical therapies utilized to assist individuals with infertility problems. The entire process is done in a laboratory using a petri dish. The eggs that are extracted from the mother’s ovary are fertilized by the father’s sperm throughout this process.

The phrase “test tube baby,” which was created decades ago to describe in vitro fertilization, or IVF, is not medical. The phrase was originally used in the 1930s to describe artificial insemination, not in vitro fertilization; with artificial insemination, specifically cleansed semen is inserted via the cervix straight into the uterus of a woman.

Following the successful fertilization of the first human egg outside the body in 1944, the word was subsequently used to refer to IVF babies. Louise Joy Brown, the first IVF baby ever, is still referred to as the “first test tube” baby.

Test Tube Baby Step-by-Step Process

Step 1: Ovarian Stimulation

A woman typically generates one mature ovum throughout the course of one menstrual cycle. So, before egg extraction, the woman receives injectable hormones to enable her to develop a minimum of 10–12 eggs in a single menstrual cycle. The purpose of these hormones is to promote the follicles within her ovaries to grow and mature in unison over a period of 8–10 days. Eggs are fully matured when HCG is injected 36 hours before they are collected.

Step 2: Eggs retrieved from ovary and sperm collection

General anesthesia is used to keep the female from feeling pain or other discomforts during the egg retrieval procedure. To remove the woman’s eggs from her ovaries, the fertility specialist uses an ultrasonography vaginal probe with a thin, hollow needle attached. These samples are sent straight immediately to the laboratory. A sample of semen is obtained by the male partner’s masturbation; if there are no sperm, surgical sperm retrieval is employed.

Step 3: Embryo Formation

A test tube baby is created by combining sperm and eggs in a Petri dish and incubating it for a few days. When fertilizing a single egg with a single sperm, a procedure known as intracytoplasmic sperm injection is performed using a micromanipulator under certain conditions. The resulting embryos are evaluated, and the highest-quality embryos are chosen for transfer. The reproductive physician monitors the development of the embryos and searches for signs of fertilization throughout this phase.

Step 4: Embryo Transfer

Two to three embryos are inserted into the woman’s uterus on the day of the embryo transfer using a tiny catheter. Furthermore, all embryos are stored and then transferred whenever the specific parameters are changed via medicine or hysteroscopy in situations where fresh embryo transfer is not feasible because of certain conditions (endometrial, high progesterone levels, hyperstimulation).

Who should consider a Test Tube Baby Treatment?

A couple that has been trying to conceive for a year without success could think about getting fertility treatments. To ensure that the appropriate treatment is administered and the cause of their infertility is accurately diagnosed, it is crucial that they speak with a fertility specialist.

Reasons to go for a Test Tube Baby:

  • Fallopian tubes obstructed
  • Increasing Maternal Age,
  • Severe Endometriosis,
  • Unknown Causes or Unexplained Infertility,
  • Male Factor Ovarian Reserve
  • Diminished Due to Infertility

The largest decision a couple will ever make is whether to pursue fertility treatments in order to become pregnant. If this is the case, they should select the top fertility clinic in order to address all of their concerns. One of the Best IVF clinics in Delhi, Mother Divine Fertility Clinics has helped many people realize their goals with their exceptional reproductive therapies. Thus, Mother Divine is the place to go if you’re looking for a test Tube Baby Treatment in Delhi.

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