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Infertility Treatments - Female

Infertility Treatments - Female

Infertility is a problem that many couples face. If a woman has been trying to conceive for over a year and has had well-timed, unprotected sexual intercourse, she may be labeled as infertile. Infertility can be treated, which is good news. Understanding the causes of infertility is the first step in fertility treatment. A variety of fertility tests can be done to confirm a diagnosis of infertility in women.
You will be registered with Mother Divine IVF Fertility the first time you visit us. We’ll take careful notes on your medical and surgical history, as well as your menstrual and coital histories. We will review your previous reports and treatments, so please bring your previous treatment information with you when you visit us.
When testing for infertility, doctors will first perform a physical examination and ask questions to learn more about the patient’s medical history and lifestyle. Additionally, one or more of the following tests may be recommended:
Couples that are referred for IVF must go through a series of tests and procedures:

IVF Process


Counseling and Treatment

IVF treatment can be physically and emotionally draining for a couple. Counseling with Crysta Counselors allows couples to better understand their treatment plan and express their concerns, which is crucial before the procedure begins.

Stimulation and Monitoring

Follicles mature as a result of ovarian stimulation. Over the course of 10-12 days, the growth of these follicles is tracked. At regular intervals, blood tests and ultrasounds are used to assess the ovarian response. This procedure aids in the regulation of the size, quality, and amount of developing follicles.

Ovum Retrieval

The mature ovum is released after medication and final stimulation. The ovum is collected in the clinic under sedition with ultrasound monitoring. The harvested ovum is subsequently transported to an embryologist for ART laboratory processing.

Sperm Collection

Ask the male partner to provide a fresh semen sample on the same day. If necessary, sperm can be extracted from the testicles or epididymis by a surgical procedure.

Embryo Transfer

The sperm and egg are fertilized under laboratory conditions to form the embryo. Embryologists create several embryos and based on their quality, choose the best ones to be transferred to the uterus on the third or fifth day of pregnancy.

Post Transfer Care

After the embryo has been transferred, the specialist may prescribe medication and other routine care to help increase the chances of implantation. After a certain amount of time has passed, you may be recommended to take pregnancy tests to confirm whether you are pregnant.
Doctors can use ovarian reserve tests to assist women forecast their reproductive potential. These tests can tell you how much time you have until you can conceive and how many eggs have reached an advanced stage of development. Simple blood tests, such as AMH, E2, and FSH, can be used to examine hormone levels and assess egg quality and number.
The cells in the follicles (sacs that house the eggs) of a woman’s ovary create anti mullerian hormone. When AMH levels are high, it suggests there are a lot of follicles, which means there are a lot of eggs. The amount of eggs a woman has drops as she gets older, and her AMH levels do as well. This blood test can be performed at any time and provides an accurate estimate of the quantity of eggs.
The pituitary gland (in the brain) produces FSH, which is responsible for developing the eggs in the ovary. On the second or third day of the menstrual cycle, a blood sample is taken. High levels of FSH, in contrast to AMH levels, suggest weak ovarian reserves, whereas low levels of FSH indicate a robust ovarian reserve.
FSH and estradiol are both tested. It is a kind of oestrogen responsible for the development of healthy eggs in a woman’s ovaries. High levels of estradiol in the E2 test may suggest a problem with egg quantity or quality.
Because it evaluates the amount and quality of eggs, AFC is arguably the best indication of ovarian reserves. The ovaries contain antral follicles, which contain immature eggs with the ability to mature into mature eggs. The number of antral follicles can be accurately counted with a vaginal ultrasound. Low AFC implies a weak reproductive potential, while high AFC indicates a strong ovarian reserve.
Ovarian reserve testing isn’t the only way to tell whether you’re having trouble conceiving, but a noticeable drop in hormone levels can help doctors devise a treatment plan.
When trying to conceive, doctors normally advise that you record your basal body temperature. Ovulation is indicated by a spike in BBT, which can be utilised to estimate the ideal time for sexual intercourse. This charting can be done from the comfort of your own home.
A couple may be advised to engage in unprotected sexual activity and then return to the doctor a few hours later. The doctor will then obtain a sample of cervical mucus for testing in order to learn more about how sperm cells interact with the mucus. This test can also be used to examine the motility of sperm.
Unlike a standard external ultrasound, this procedure requires the insertion of a particular equipment into the vaginal canal. It projects an image of the uterus and other reproductive organs onto a screen using high-frequency sound waves. The doctor can then determine if there are any structural issues, such as fibroids, that are interfering with pregnancy. This procedure is painless and is usually performed two weeks prior to the patient’s menstrual period.
A tubogram or HSG is another name for this procedure. It is used to look for fallopian tube obstructions as well as uterine abnormalities. Between the 6th and 13th day of a menstrual cycle, an HSG is frequently conducted. A liquid dye is injected into the uterus through the vaginal canal. The dye’s journey through the fallopian tubes is then monitored using a series of X-ray photographs. The dye will not be able to pass through if there is an obstruction or blockage.
This is usually only recommended if the Hysterosalpinogram and laparoscope reveal a blockage. Hysteroscopy is the procedure of introducing a thin, flexible telescope-like equipment into the uterus through the vaginal canal. Doctors can use this gadget to see inside the uterus and check for structural issues. It is not necessary to do all of the tests listed above. Even after testing, there may be no identified cause of infertility in certain circumstances.
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