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Oligospermia is a disorder affecting male fertility characterized by a decreased sperm count. An adequate supply of healthy sperm is necessary for a guy to become a father. Oligospermia is the term for a sperm count that is below normal, defined as less than 15 million sperm per milliliter of semen. A condition known as azoospermia occurs when a man has no sperm at all.

Causes of Oligospermia

  Oligospermia can have a variety of causes, such as the following:

  • Vencocele, or enlargement of the veins draining the testicles
  • A few infections
  • Issues with ejaculation, such as ejaculating backward into the bladder, or retrogradely
  • antibodies that target sperm (Y chromosome deletions, modified chromosomes, genetic disorders)
  • imbalance of hormones (high prolactin, low testosterone)
  • Testicles that have not descended
  • Conditions like diabetes, sclerosis, and thyroid problems
  • Gluten sensitivity
  • substances used recreationally (cocaine, booze, marijuana)
  • Use of anabolic steroids
  • persistent stress

Oligospermia Treatment

A complete evaluation of the patient is part of the specialized treatment for oligospermia in order to identify the cause.

The patient is counseled to alter his way of life and stay away from items that interfere with healthy spermatogenesis. The causes that can be surgically corrected must be found and appropriately addressed.

In addition, spermatogenesis may be suppressed by the hormonal anomalies, and particular hormonal therapy may be initiated to bring FSH and testosterone levels back to normal.

Being oligospermatic does not completely rule out the possibility of becoming pregnant on its own. But keep in mind that whether you and your partner are able to conceive depends on the quantity, motility, and shape of your sperm.

Choose Us: Oligospermia Treatment Centre in Delhi

Our fertility expert, Dr. Sunita Singh, has helped a lot of guys with oligospermia become fathers. Our specialists assist childless couples in improving their chances of becoming pregnant and producing healthy offspring. 

Mother Divine is the top IVF facility in Delhi. Get the best treatment for oligospermia there. Here at our Delhi location, our specialists regularly treat oligospermia and have years of experience dealing with male and female infertility concerns.

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